The selection of wallpapers of different material qualities, colors and designs is to be regarded as gigantic nowadays. This opens up a wide range of design options for you. Whether woodchip, paper wallpapers with patterns, satin, fleece or textured wallpapers - you will surely find the right wall decoration for your ambience. Even individual photo and design wallpapers can be realized using modern printing processes.
You can, of course, do the wallpapering work yourself. Woodchip, fleece and multi-layer paper wallpapers can still be put on the wall quite easily. It becomes more difficult with a metal or fiberglass wallpaper. But doing it yourself is not just about the time it takes. The main question is whether you are really satisfied with the result after finishing the wallpapering work.
If you want to be absolutely sure that the wallpaper is glued quickly, perfectly smooth and without unsightly gaps in the end, you should commission a specialist company such as MVM AG. We not only ensure flawless results in wallpapering work, but also advise you in detail on the choice of wallpaper. With our experience and our knowledge of what is available on the market, we can accurately provide you with suitable samples for your ambience and your ideas.
Compared to mere painting with wall paint, wallpaper offers some advantages that should not be underestimated. You not only get significantly more, but also numerous more unusual options for wall design due to the variety of designs.
Wallpaper can also be an inexpensive alternative to wall paint. This depends on the nature of the surface and how many coats of paint have to be applied to achieve an attractive result. Classic emulsion paints are quite affordable. If you prefer environmentally friendly lime or silicate paints, you have to put a little heavier on your budget. Depending on the time and budget, but also with special patterns or many color components, wallpaper can be the better alternative. And last but not least, unevenness in the wall and drill holes can be covered better with wallpaper than with paint.
Wallpapers originally come from the Orient. They initially consisted of leather, some of which was embossed and gilded. The Moors brought them to Spain in the 11th century, from where they gradually spread across Europe. The main materials used were parchment and fabric. The earliest paper wallpapers were still hand-painted or covered with wool dust. With advances in printing technology, wallpaper finally became affordable for the middle class and was able to begin its triumphal march.
Today you can choose between a wide variety of materials that form the basis of wallpaper production. We would be happy to show you personally which types there are and their respective advantages and disadvantages. The most common forms are:
As a specialist company with a lot of know-how and many years of experience in wallpapering work, we offer you perfect services if you decide on this type of wall design. We will advise you personally and free of charge in advance so that we can respond specifically to your needs and wishes. The best thing to do is contact us onlineto make an appointment at your location. Our team for wallpapering work at MVM AG is looking forward to your challenge!
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