General information about MVM AG Emmen

VAT numberCHE-104.091.143 VAT
The company has existed since1974
Member of the following associationSMGV
Has a QS certificateLOM (internal)
Total number of operating personnelapprox. 140 employees


LiabilityAXA Insurance AG
Policy number14.149.936
Property damage per eventCHF 5.–
Maximum performance per event                       CHF 5.–
Deductible per eventCHF 5.–


Banks                                                                                                                                                  Luzerner Kantonalbank AG, PO Box, 6002 Lucerne
BIC / SwiftLUKBCH2260A
IBANCH28 0077 8010 7005 1110 3

General information on MVM AG ZG

VAT numberCHE-107.951.003 VAT
The company has existed since1979
Member of the following association                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Steinen trade association / City of Zug trade association / Walchwil trade / GUV Zug / SMGV
Has a QS certificateLOM (internal)
Total number of operating personnel9 employees


LiabilityVaudoise AG 
Policy number                         03160817 1 2500  
Property damage per eventCHF 5
Maximum performance per eventCHF 5
Deductible per event500.- or 10%


BanksZug Cantonal Bank
BIC / Swift                                                                          KBZGCH22XXX
IBANCH45 0078 7001 1700 4200 0

Types of work

BKP 226Plastered external thermal insulation
BKP 271.0Internal plastering
BKP 271.1Special plastering work
BKP 283Ceiling coverings
BKP 281Floor coverings
BKP 281.1Seamless floor and wall coverings
BKP 282.0Seamless wall coverings
BKP 282.1Wallpapering, decorative technology
BKP 285/227Interior and exterior painting, concrete cosmetics

work safety

Security officer    Anton Werlen